The Economic College of the University of Narxoz

Banking and insurance business (0516000)

1. The professional activities ' sphere.

Graduates of this degree carry out managerial, entrepreneurial, commercial activities in enterprises of all forms of ownership and activities, financial bodies, insurance, banking organizations, securities market.

Economists in financial work engaged in the management and organization of Finance, the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies at the micro and macro levels. The specialists of this profile should analyze the financial condition of the company, increase revenues, minimize costs and risks, to meet the needs of the market in the provision of quality financial services.

2. The objects of professional activity are:

  • public authorities, Republican and territorial levels;
  • The Ministry of Finance;
  • The Ministry of economy and budget planning;
  • banks;
  • investment funds;
  • budget institutions and organizations.

3. Professional activities:

  • accounting and Finance;
  • audit;
  • organizational management.

4. Graduate qualification – economist for financial work