
The Economic College of Narkhoz University was established on the basis of the order of CJSC KazEU named after T.Ryskulov No.0105/53 dated 05/17/2002 as an Economic collegelyceum in Talgar.

The branch of the Institution College of Economics of KazEU named after T.Ryskulov JSC in Almaty was established by the decision of the meeting of the Board of Directors of KazEU named after T.Ryskulov JSC (Minutes No. 5 dated June 25, 2005).

In 2006, on May 29, at a meeting of the Board of JSC KazEU named after T.Ryskulov, it was decided to move the head building of the college to the address: 7B, 10 MKR, Almaty, and the college branch to the address: Talgar, Lermontov str., 40.

Since May 29, 2006 The Narkhoz University College of Economics (T.Ryskulov KazEU College of Economics, College of Economics of the New University of Economics) operates in Almaty.