The Economic College of the University of Narxoz

Providing academic holidays for students

  • Name of state service:
  1. Providing academic holidays for students in education organizations.
  • Date and number of the order of the authorized body to which the standard of the state service is approved:
  1. Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2017 № 357
  • Places for the implementation of applications and the issuance of results of the provision of public services:
  1. Branches of NAO State Corporation "Government for Citizens", the academic part of the college (1 floor, 117 study)
  • Responsible person for the provision of public services:
  1. Zeydaliyeva Zhanna Hertaevna, 391-10-41 internal number  100, sot. +77089647898
  • To provide academic sick leave for a period of 6 to 12 months:
  1. the application of the beneficiary (or his legal representative) for granting an academic leave to the head of the education organization in accordance with Annex 1 to the public service standard;
  2. the conclusion of the medical advisory commission (hereinafter - the CWC) in case of out-patient polyclinic organization.
  • To grant academic leave in case of illness with tuberculosis for a period of no more than 36 months:
  1. the application of the beneficiary (or his legal representative) for granting an academic leave to the head of the organization of education in accordance with Annex 1 to the standard of the state service;
  2. the decision of the Centralized Medical Consultative Commission (hereinafter - CEAC) of an anti-tuberculosis organization.
  •   To provide academic leave before the child reaches the age of three:
  1. the application of the beneficiary (or his legal representative) for granting an academic leave to the head of the education organization in accordance with Annex 1 to the public service standard;
  2.  documents (certificate) on the birth, adoption or adoption of the child.
  • To grant academic leave to conscripted students:
  1. the application of the beneficiary (or his legal representative) for granting an academic leave to the head of the education organization according to the form in accordance with Annex 1 to the state service standard;
  2. summons for conscription.
  • Terms for the provision of public services:
  1. From the moment of delivery of a package of documents - 3 working days. The maximum allowable waiting time for delivery of a package of documents is 20 minutes. The maximum allowed service time is 30 minutes.
  • The result of the provision of public services:
  1. A copy of the order of the head of educational organizations certified to provide the student with an academic leave with indication of his start and end dates, or a reasoned response on refusal to provide public services on the grounds established by clause 10 of the public service standard.