The Economic College of the University of Narxoz

Science and technique

Methodical work is the main kind of educational activity, which is a set of activities conducted in order to master methods and methods of teaching and educational work, to use them creatively in class and in extracurricular work, to find new, most rational and effective forms and methods of organizing, conducting and providing educational process.

Goals of methodical work:

  • Integration of science and education.
  • Ensuring and improving the educational and upbringing process.
  • Introduction of new teaching technologies.
  • Ensuring the improvement of professional skills and professional skills of teachers.
  • Study, synthesis and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience.

Tasks of methodical work:

  • Bringing educational and methodological support in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards.
  • Scientific and methodological support for the implementation of educational programs, increasing the effectiveness of all types of training sessions.
  • Preparation of manuals and educational materials that meet the current state of science, the requirements of pedagogy and psychology.
  • Introduction of innovative and informational-communicational technologies of education.
  • Improving the scientific and methodological potential of the teaching staff.
