The Economic College of the University of Narxoz

As part of the decade on the topic of «SELF DEVELOPMENT! GO AND PLAY! THINK AND GROW RICH!», dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, November 13, 2018

As part of the decade on the topic of  «SELF DEVELOPMENT! GO AND PLAY! THINK AND GROW RICH!», dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, November 13, 2018. The event on the subject «statistics» was held. The teachers responsible for the event were Sapargali Albina and Turdugulova Zhanar. The guests of the day were a teacher Turaisova Zhanar and students of the Almaty Constrution and Technical College.

The main purpose of this event was to discuss current issues and problems of the functioning of the financial system of Kazakhstan in the field of statistics. To achieve this goal, intellectual games such as:

1. Karaoke-game «Мои финансы поют романсы»;

2. Business-game «Финансовая сказка»

3. Lottery-game «Jackpot»

The participants of the game were our third-year students and our guests from the Almaty Constrution and Technical College. The event was interesting and informative. The winners were the team of the group MK-331.